

I work at London School of Economics and Political Science. I am at the Department of Psychological and Behavioural Sciences where I teach a 2nd-year undegraduate course in cogntiive psychology on the BSc in Psychological and Behavioural Science. In addition, I supervise master students at the MSc in the Psychology of Economic Life. 

I explore how we can generate sustainable environments, incentivise better deliberative and democratic norms, and to lessen discrimination in society. To do so, my research revoles around two themes: the psychology of persuasion and complex human-environment systems. 

I research how people update personal beliefs when they encounter new information. I use cognitive models to explore aspects such as source credibility, political persuasion, and discriminatory reasoning. This area explores how the same cognitive processes may yield completely different outcomes (e.g. how one person may become a climate change denier while another does not). 

I also model complex systems such as elections, information on social media platforms, as well as natural environments (e.g. fisheries and poaching). This area of research centres on how to understand individual and social decision-making in dynamic environments and how we can test and optimise policy and other interventions to manage human-environment systems effectively.  

I am originally from Odense (Denmark). I studied  rhetorical theory at the University of Copenhagen before moving to London to pursue a PhD in the psychology of persuasion at UCL. After completing my PhD in Dec. 2013, I worked as a post-doc at Birkbeck before moving to Oxford University in Jan. 2016. Since August 2020, I have worked at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

In my spare time, I like to run, cook, read, listen to podcasts and music, go to art shows and museums, and hang our with friends and family.